Techase Events

Techase Developed Framework for Multi-Plate Screw Press

2015-12-10     Source:同臣环保

Recently, as the leader of the industry, Techase has taken first step to develop the product system of multi-plate screw press. Industry experts believe that this system will accelerate the change speed of industry product model system and the selection habit of the customers, and then become a new inducement of the whole sludge dewatering equipment industry.

MSP as one of our featured products has had a history of near 8 years. Techase has always been the leader of MSP market relying on its innovation sprit and excellent service.

"As multi-plate screw press industry is becoming more and more mature, a single type will fail to meet special demands of different industry. The customers need special-designed machines to meet the demands of their industries and operating sites”, Mr. Liu Daoguang, the CTO of Techase, told the reporters.

To this end, Techase developed a product system which is consisting of varieties of types of multi-plate screw press for different industry, including organic material, inorganic material, fruit and vegetable processing industry, petrochemical industry, and so on. These types of MSP have otherness and  inter-community at the same time which not only ensure standardization and expandability, but also meet the special requirements of different industries and customers. And it is also t he core value of Techase which is to satisfies different customers by technology innovation and make the customer more and more convenient.

For the past few years,  MPS has been developed, innovated and promoted rapidly. Because the characters of easy dewatering and non-clogging,  it has been applied in many fields, such as municipal wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, petrochemical, pharmaceuticals,spinning,  food and beverage, mining industry, and so on.

As the application of new material and development of control technology, some companies which are represented by Techase have make a series of innovation. For examples: improvement of the screw shaft, R&D and application of wear resisting alloy material and new material of the plate,  exploit of special MSP for different industry and vehicular equipment.

上一篇:Techase® Screw Press Awarded as Industry Benchmarking