       Pectin waste water from fruit and vegetable processing industries, such as canning, mainly contains high concentration of pickling water, alkaline wash water and rinse water, low concentration of cleaning water of site and equipment. The pectin waste water generated during the processing of fruits and vegetables contains a large amount of pulp, clothing and meridian of fruits, which are dissolved into water to form a large amount of pectin and sugars, making the waste water have the characteristics of high organic content, high SS content and high BOD/COD. 

        The overall solution of the fruit and vegetable processing industry of TESP series is the industry overall solution, which is formed by targeted research and development based on the company's in-depth understanding of the fruit and vegetable processing industry and in-depth analysis of customer demands. The core of the process is to separate most pectin groups from the waste water before it enters the biochemical system, so as to solve the problems such as the heavy load of the waste water treatment in the biochemical process and the difficulty of treating a large amount of scum floating on the process tank. At the same time we provide customers with design, installation, debugging, construction, maintenance and other one-stop all-round services to achieve the turnkey projects.